[Japanese] [English]

Received the Tottori University Faculty of Engineering "Understanding Engineering Award". Achievement "Junior Doctor Training Project that led to the discovery of a new law by a junior high school student": 2025. 2. 4.

Tottori University received the Chemistry Communication Award 2024 for our achievement "Discovery of a chemical law by a junior high school student in an awareness-raising project". University announcement: 2025. 1. 15

New review published: Petroleomics in Japan: People, History and Development: 2025. 1. 7.

Press Release
Development of Technology for Waste Plastic Chemical Recycling without Consumption of Other Materials (Japanese version only) : 2024. 11. 25

A joint discovery made by a junior high school student (now high school student) and us at Tottori University's Junior Doctor Training School towards an environmental doctor saving the earth was published as a scientific paper in "Langmuir". This paper overturned the conventional wisdom that had been established since the 1960s that the selectivity of ion species in ion exchange by zeolites is determined by the size of the space, and demonstrated for the first time the influence of the chemical properties of the framework: 2024. 8. 13

A side story related to the results discovered by junior high school students at Tottori University's junior doctor training cram school "Aim! Environmental Doctor Who Saves the Earth" was published as an article in "ZEORAITO (Zeolite)", official journal of Japan Zeolite Association: 2024. 1. 31

Appointed as a member of Aramco Catalyst Center of Excellence Advisory Committee: 2023. 3. 26

Mr. Hayato Tamura, a student of Tottori University Junior High School, presented our results as a presenter at Spring Annual Meeting of Chemical Society of Japan: 2023. 3. 23

New review published in Mol. Catal.: Acidic Property and Acid Catalysis of Zeolite: 2018. 9. 20

New paper published in ChemCatChem: Direct Methylation of Benzene with Methane Catalyzed by Co/MFI Zeolite: 2018. 5. 14

New paper published in Catal. Commun.: Relationship between Activation Enthalpy and Entropy: 2017. 9. 8

New paper published in Micropor. Mesopor. Mater.: Shape Selective Production of para-Xylene by Toluene Disproportionation Catalyzed by CVD Silica-covered MFI Zeolite: 2017. 1. 14

New paper published in Appl. Catal., A: Gen.: Dealkylation of Alkyl Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds on Silica Monolayer Catalyst 2016. 11. 12

New paper published in Catal. Lett.: Infrared Modes of Adsorbed Ammonia Species 2015. 9. 20

New paper published in Catal. Sci. Technol.: Activation Entropy-Enthalpy Compensation in Alkane Cracking on Zeolites 2014. 12. 8

New paper published in Catal. Today: Acidic Property of BEA Zeolite 2013. 8. 14

New paper published in J. Phys. Chem., C: Comparison of Brønsted acid strengths of SAPO and zeolites (aluminosilicates) 2011. 10. 11

Katada Laboratory started: 2011. 4. 1

We published a book: 2010. 8. 29

New paper published in Top. Catal.: Acidic Properties of Medium-pore Zeolites such as TNU-9 2009. 12. 2

New paper published in Appl. Catal., A: Gen.: A Linear Relationship between Ammonia Adsorption Heat and Alkane Cracking Activation Energy of Brønsted on Zeolites 2009. 11. 17

New paper published in J. Phys. Chem., C: What controls the zeolite acid strength? 2009. 9. 25

New paper published in Appl. Catal., A: Gen.: Biodiesel Production over Solid Acid Catalyst 2009. 5. 8

Selected as a Topics Presentation in CATSJ Meeting: Selective Sensing of Pollutant in Clean Rooms by Molecular Sieving Sensor 2009. 3. 1 (Japanese Only)

Tottori University Scientific Research Award: 2009. 2. 29

Other contents also revised

New paper published in Micro-. Mesoporous Mater.: HZSM-5 Modified by Silica CVD for Shape-selective Production of p-Xylene: Influence of in situ and ex situ Preparation Conditions of the Zeolite 2008. 10. 31

New paper published in J. Phys. Chem., C: Computational Study of Brønsted Acidity of Faujasite: Effect of the Al Content on the Infrared OH Stretching Frequencies 2008. 10. 31

New paper published in J. Catal.: Combined Study of IRMS-TPD Mesurement and DFT Calculation on Brønsted Acidity and Catalytic Cracking Activity of Cation Exchanged Y Zeolites 2008. 10. 31

New paper published in Appl. Catal., A: Gen.: High and practical activity of tungsta monolayer catalyst for ethanol production by hydration of ethene (ethylene) 2008. 7. 18

Re-organization of the faculty; affiliation was changed into Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering: 2008. 4. 1

New paper published in Appl. Catal., A: Gen.: Analysis of solid acidity of sulfated zirconia by ammonia IRMS-TPD method 2008. 4. 1

New Paper has been published in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.: Calculations and Measurements of Acidic Property of CHA Zeolite 2007. 11. 15
Selected as a Cover Article!

New Paper has been published in Chem. Lett.: Correlation between ammonia adsorption heat observed by IRMS-TPD method and calculated by quantum method 2007. 6. 18 (Page fixed: 2007. 8. 17)

New Paper has been published in J. Catal.: Correlation among acid strength measured by ammonia IRMS-TPD, wavenumber and catalytic activity for octane cracking of acidic OH groups in zeolites. (Page fixed: 2007. 8. 17)

New Paper has been published in Sens. Actuators, B: Chem.: Molecular-Sieving Sensor, Shape Selective Detection of Alkanes 2007. 1. 5 (Page fixed: 2007. 6. 18)

New Paper has been published in J. Phys. Chem. C: TPD of toluene on Na-zeolites 2006. 11. 14

New Paper has been published in J. Phys. Chem. C: IRMS-TPD measurement of HY zeolite and identification of 4 kinds of OH groups based on 4 kinds of O sites 2006. 11. 9

New Paper has been published in J. Phys. Chem.: IRMS-TPD measurement of USY zeolite and identification of OH groups showing strong Brønsted acidity 2006. 1. 18

New Paper has been published in Catal. Today: Calculation of acid strength of metal oxide monolayer by extended hückel method 2005. 10. 22

New Paper has been published in J. Phys. Chem., B: Quantitative analysis of acid strengths and amounts of acidic OH groups in mordenite type zeolite by IRMS-TPD method 2005. 10. 12

New Paper has been published Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.: Shape Selective Adsorption of Substituted Benzaldehyde Isomers by Molecular-Sieving Silica-Coated Tin Oxide 2005. 9. 26

New Paper ahs been published in J. Phys. Chem., B: Quantitative analysis of acid strengths and amounts of acidic OH groups in mordenite type zeolite by IRMS-TPD method 2005. 6. 22

An animation on molecular-sieving silica overlayer loaded 2005. 5. 16

New Paper has been published Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.: Shape Selective Adsorption of Substituted Benzaldehyde Isomers by Molecular-Sieving Silica-Coated Tin Oxide 2005. 4. 11

New Paper has been published J. Mol. Catal., A: Chem.: Detection of Active Sites for Paraffin Cracking on USY Zeolite by 27Al MQMAS NMR Operated at High Magnetic Field 16 T 2005. 4. 7

New Paper has been published in Micro-. Mesoporous Mater.: Developement and Application to Zeolite Beta of Ammonia IRMS-TPD Method for Acidic Property Analysis 2005. 3. 15

2 papers in Appl. Catal., A: Gen., and a paper in Chem. Lett. published: Joint Study on Ion Exchange of Zeolite Using Reference Catalyst, and Analysis of Acidic Property of Mordenite by IRMS-TPD 2005. 3. 15

"Reality in Solid Surface Characterization" published 2005. 2. 8

New Paper has been published in Chem. Lett.: Analysis of Acidic Property of Mordenite by IRMS-TPD 2005. 1. 25

New Paper has been published in Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.: A Role of Acetic Acid on CVD Using Molecular Template 2005. 1. 21

2 New Papers has been published in Appl. Catal., A: Gen.: Joint Study on Ion Exchange of Zeolite Using Reference Catalyst 2004. 12. 24

New Paper in Micro-. Mesoporous Mater.: Dealumination of Acid Form Zeolite in Atmosphere 2004. 7. 6

New Review in Sulfuric Acid and Industry: Removal by Oxidation of Sulfurous Acid over Activated Carbon Catalyst 2004. 7. 6

New Review in Catal. Surveys Asia: Measurements of Acidic Properties of Solid Catalysts by Ammonia TPD 2004. 6. 23

New Review in Zeolite News Letters: Measurements of Acidic Properties of Zeolites by Ammonia TPD 2004. 6. 11

New Paper in Appl. Catal., A: General: A joint research on alkane cracking activity of BEA zeolite 2004. 5. 6

Animation of ammonia TPD (only Japanese) 2004. 4. 15

Link to ZMPC2006 2004. 4. 15

Presentations, Lectures renewal (only Japanese) 2004. 4. 15

New Paper in Adv. Mater., Chem. Vap. Deposition: High shape selectivity in adsorption by chemical vapor deposition of silica overlayer using molecular template 2004. 3. 26

New Pattent Application: Methylation of naphthalane on WO3/Al2O3 catalyst 2004. 3. 22

Awarded by The Japan Petroleum Institute (Japanese only) 2004. 3. 15

New Project Supported by Venture Business Laboratory of Tottori University Adopted (Japanese only) 2004. 3. 15

New Paper in J. Mol. Catal., A: Chemical: Generation of Strong Bronsted Acidity and High Catalytic Activity for Alkane Cracking by Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid (EDTA) Salt Treatment of Ultra Stable Y (USY) Zeolite 2004. 1. 28

Patent renewal 2003. 12. 2

2 Reviews in Molecular Imprinting of Polymers: History and Recent Advance in Molecular Imprinting on Silica and Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silica using Molecular Template 2003. 11. 12

New Review in Hyomenkagaku: Measurement of Solid Acidity by Ammonia Temperature-Programmed Desorption 2003. 11. 12

Patent Opened: High shape selectivity in adsorption by chemical vapor deposition of silica overlayer using molecular template 2003. 11. 7

2 New Patents, 1 New Patent Application added 2003. 10. 20

New Paper in Micro-. Mesoporous Mater.: Strong Acid Site Generation by Acid and Base Treatments of ZSM-5 Zeolite 2003. 9. 30

Career renewal 2003. 9. 16

New Paper in Adv. Mater., Chem. Vap. Deposition in press: High shape selectivity in adsorption by chemical vapor deposition of silica overlayer using molecular template 2003. 9. 3

Papers, reviews and patents renewal 2003. 8. 28

New Paper in J. Jpn. Petroleum Inst.: Oxidation of Sulfur Dioxide on Activated Carbon Catalyst Produced from Wood 2003. 7. 17

New Paper in Kagakukogaku Ronbunshu: Production Method of Activated Carbon from Wood 2003. 4. 21

Awarded by Catalysis Society of Japan (Japanese only) 2003. 3. 26

Papers renewal 2003. 3. 19

Presentations renewal 2003. 3. 19

A Postdoctral Fellow Post for PRESTO Project recieving Applications 2002. 11. 19

Projects (Japanese)Presentationsrenewal. 2002. 11. 7
Research Project of PRESTO Started. 2002. 11. 7
Graphics used in BMC 2002. 11. 7

Application date added to Patents 2002. 8. 22

New Paper in Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal.: Joint study with Mexican research group 2002. 8. 6

Presentations renewal 2002. 8. 6

New Paper in Catal. Lett.: Catalytic activity of Al/MCM-41 for synthesis of carbamate from dimethyl carbonate and amine 2002. 7. 3

Presentations renewal 2002. 7. 3

New Patents 2002. 4. 15

Publication list was divided into Reviews, Original Papers and Patents 2002. 3. 11

New Patent Applied: New method to form molecular sieving-silica overlayer 2002. 3

New Review in Sensors Update: Molecular Sieving Sensor 2002. 1

New Review in Petrotech (Japanese): [Acidic Property of Y Zeolite] 2001. 12

Educational Work renewal 2001. 8

Presentations renewal 2001. 8

New Paper in Micro-. Mesoporous Mater.: Shape-Selective Adsorption Ability by CVD of Silica on Silicalite 2001. 4

New Paper in J. Chem. Eng. Jpn.: Preparation of Silica Monolayer by Flow CVD 2001. 4

New Patent: Carbon Material 2001. 4

New Paper in Micro-. Mesoporous Mater.: Acidic Property of Beta Zeolite 2000. 11

New Paper in J. Phys. Chem. B: Superacidic Property of Sulfated Zirconia 2000. 11

New Patent: Discrimination of dried mushrooms 2000. 10

The Birthday has come 2000. 9. 14

Research Contents Revised 2000. 8

New Patent: Synthesis of Carbamate Conpound Catalyzed by Mesoporous Silica 2000. 7

New Paper in Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal.: Acidic Property Sulfated Zirconia 2000. 7

Presentations in 2000 2000. 7

New Paper in J. Phys. Chem. B: Acidic Property of Y and Mordenite Type Zeolites Treated in Vacuo: Generation of Acidity by Aluminum at NNN site 2000. 6

New Paper in J. Phys. Chem. B: Acidic Property of Fe-MFI Silicate: Strong Acidity Generated by Isomorphous Substitution of Iron 2000. 5

New Review in Shokubai (Catalysts & Catalysis): [Measurements of Acidic Property of Solid by Ammonia TPD Method] 2000. 5

Naonobu Katada's Page

Niwa Lab.